maintain water level

As a pool owner, I used to think that maintaining the water level of my pool was not that important. I thought that as long as there was water in the pool, it was good enough. However, after experiencing some issues with the pool’s equipment and water chemistry, I realized how crucial it is to maintain the proper water level in a pool.

In this article, I will be sharing my insights and tips on maintaining your pool’s water level. We will discuss the ideal water level range, the causes of water level fluctuations, and the different methods you can use to adjust the water level.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why maintaining the water level of your pool is essential for its overall performance and longevity.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintaining proper water levels is crucial for optimal pool performance and preventing potential damage to the pool’s equipment.
  • Checking the water level regularly is important, at least once a week or more frequently in areas with a lot of evaporation.
  • Automatic pool levelers can simplify pool maintenance and prevent damage to the pool’s equipment.
  • Regular maintenance, including inspecting and cleaning the pool’s walls, floor, and skimmer baskets, as well as testing and balancing the pool’s chemicals, ensures optimal condition for years to come.

The Importance of Proper Water Levels in Your Pool

Maintaining proper water levels in your pool is crucial to ensure optimal pool performance and prevent potential damage. If the water level is too low, it can cause the pool pump to lose its prime, which can lead to the pump overheating and burning out.

On the other hand, if the water level is too high, it can cause the skimmer to malfunction, leading to debris and other contaminants staying in the pool. To maintain the proper water level, it’s important to check it regularly. I recommend checking the level at least once a week, or more frequently if you live in an area with a lot of evaporation.

If the water level is too low, you can add water to the pool using a garden hose. If the water level is too high, you can use a submersible pump to remove the excess water. In addition to preventing damage to your pool equipment, maintaining proper water levels also helps to ensure that your pool water is clean and safe to swim in.

Proper water levels help to distribute chemicals evenly throughout the pool, ensuring that the water stays balanced and free of harmful bacteria. By taking the time to regularly check and maintain the water level in your pool, you can enjoy a safe and refreshing swimming experience all season long.

Identifying the Ideal Water Level Range

Achieving the perfect balance in water height is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free pool experience. It’s important to note that the ideal water level range varies depending on the type of pool you have.

For instance, a skimmer type pool requires a water level that is higher than a pool with an overflow system. Generally, the water level in your pool should be at least halfway up the skimmer opening. This ensures that the skimmer can function properly and effectively remove debris from the surface of the water. However, don’t let the water level exceed the skimmer opening as this can cause the skimmer to suck in air instead of water.

It’s also important to consider the water level in relation to the pool’s waterline tile. The water level should be high enough to cover the tile but not so high that it constantly overflows.

Keeping the water level within the ideal range will not only maintain the pool’s performance but also prevent unnecessary water waste.

Causes of Water Level Fluctuations

You may notice that your pool’s water level fluctuates due to factors such as evaporation, splashing, and heavy rainfall. These factors can cause the water level to drop below or rise above the ideal range. It’s important to understand the causes of water level fluctuations to maintain the pool’s health and safety.

Here are the 3 main causes of water level fluctuations:

  1. Evaporation: Pool water naturally evaporates due to the sun’s heat and wind. The evaporation rate depends on various factors, such as the pool’s location, size, and temperature. On average, a pool can lose 1-2 inches of water per week due to evaporation. This can cause the water level to drop below the ideal range, which can affect the pool’s circulation and filtration systems.
  2. Splashing: When people swim, play games, or use water features in the pool, water can splash out of the pool. This can cause the water level to drop temporarily. It’s important to monitor the water level after such activities and refill the pool if necessary.
  3. Heavy rainfall: Rainwater can also cause the water level to rise above the ideal range. While rainwater can help top up the pool, excessive rain can dilute the pool’s chemicals and make it difficult to maintain the water balance. It’s important to drain the excess water and adjust the chemical levels accordingly.

Understanding these causes of water level fluctuations can help you maintain your pool’s health and safety. Regularly checking the water level and adjusting it as necessary can prolong the life of your pool and reduce the risk of accidents.

Using Automatic Pool Levelers

If you want to simplify pool maintenance, using automatic pool levelers is a great option. These devices are designed to automatically maintain the water level in your pool, ensuring that it stays at a consistent level all year round. They work by monitoring the water level and adding water as needed, without any input from the pool owner.

This means that you can enjoy your pool without having to worry about constantly monitoring and adjusting the water level. One of the main benefits of using automatic pool levelers is that they can help to prevent damage to your pool. When the water level in your pool is too low, it can cause the pool’s pump and filtration system to become damaged. In addition, low water levels can cause the pool’s walls and floors to crack or warp.

By using an automatic pool leveler, you can ensure that your pool stays at the correct water level, which can help to prevent these types of damage from occurring. Another advantage of using automatic pool levelers is that they can save you time and money. Because they are designed to automatically add water to your pool, you won’t have to spend time monitoring and adjusting the water level yourself.

This can save you a lot of time and hassle, especially if you have a busy schedule. Additionally, because the leveler will ensure that your pool’s water level stays consistent, you won’t have to spend money on additional chemicals or water to adjust the level yourself. Overall, using an automatic pool leveler is a great way to simplify pool maintenance and ensure that your pool stays in top condition.

Manual Methods for Adjusting Water Levels

One way to manage the water level in your pool is by manually scooping out excess water, like scooping ice cream. You can use a pool skimmer or a bucket to remove water from your pool. Simply dip the skimmer or bucket into the water and lift it out slowly so as not to create any splashing. Pour the water into a nearby drain or onto your lawn.

Another way to manually adjust the water level in your pool is by adding water. You can use a garden hose to fill the pool up to the desired level. Be sure to keep an eye on the water level as you fill, and remember to turn off the hose when you’re done. It’s also a good idea to check the chemical balance of your pool water after adding any water to ensure that everything is in proper order.

It’s important to maintain the correct water level in your pool to ensure that the pump and skimmer work properly. If the water level is too low, the pump can become damaged, and if it’s too high, the skimmer won’t be able to function properly. By using manual methods to adjust your pool’s water level, you can keep it at the optimal level for a clean and healthy swimming experience.

Preventing Water Level Damage

Now that we’ve discussed the manual methods for adjusting water levels, let’s move on to preventing water level damage altogether.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by ensuring that your pool’s water level stays consistent. This means regularly checking and adjusting the water level as needed.

Consistent water levels are important because fluctuations can lead to damage to your pool’s equipment, including the pump and filter. Low water levels can cause the pump to run dry, leading to overheating and potential damage. On the other hand, high water levels can put unnecessary strain on your pool’s filtration system, reducing its effectiveness and potentially causing it to fail.

To maintain consistent water levels, it’s important to check your pool’s water level frequently, especially during periods of heavy use or inclement weather. If you notice the water level is too low, add water to bring it back up to the appropriate level. If it’s too high, use a submersible pump or a siphon to remove excess water.

By taking these preventative measures, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your pool running smoothly.

Regular Maintenance for Optimal Pool Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your swimming pool, it’s essential to regularly inspect and clean the pool’s walls, floor, and skimmer baskets. This will help maintain the water level and prevent damage to your pool.

Regular maintenance can also help prevent algae growth, which can lead to cloudy water and an unpleasant swimming experience. Cleaning the pool regularly will also help prevent debris from clogging the skimmer baskets, which can lead to a decrease in water flow and can damage your pump and filter.

When cleaning your pool, it’s important to use the right tools and chemicals. A pool brush is necessary for scrubbing the walls and floor of the pool, while a skimmer net can be used to remove debris from the surface of the water. Additionally, regularly checking and balancing the pool’s chemicals can help maintain the water level and prevent damage to your pool.

Testing the pool’s pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels should be done at least once a week, and adjustments made as necessary. It’s important to keep an eye on your pool’s water level and refill it as needed.

A low water level can cause your pool’s pump and filter to run dry, which can damage them. A high water level can cause your pool to overflow, which can damage the surrounding area. By regularly maintaining your pool and keeping an eye on the water level, you can ensure that your pool remains in optimal condition for years to come.


Maintaining the proper water level in your pool is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Not only does it ensure the safety of swimmers, but it also prevents damage to pool equipment and surfaces.

I remember one summer when I neglected to check my pool’s water level, and it resulted in a burnt-out pump and costly repairs. That experience taught me the importance of regularly monitoring and adjusting water levels.

In addition to preventing damage, maintaining proper water levels also ensures that your pool functions efficiently. According to the United States Department of Energy, pool owners can save up to 30% on energy costs by ensuring proper water levels.

This means more money in your pocket and a more eco-friendly pool. So, whether you opt for automatic pool levelers or manual methods, make sure you prioritize maintaining the right water level in your pool. Your wallet and your swimmers will thank you.

Brian Ozorco

Author: Brian Ozorco

Brian started working with pools more than two decades ago. He's really good at making old pools look new and beautiful again. This is called pool resurfacing, and it's one of his specialties. Brian is not just good at fixing pools; he's also great at helping people. He set up to provide pool services, via a network of expert pool contractors, to home owners all over the US. Brian believes it's important to treat customers well, and that's a big part of his business.